Genre: Strategy
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Release: 31 March 1998
Rating: Teen
Price: $16
StarCraft is often considered to be the greatest real-time strategy game of all time. Nothing else need be said. If you haven't already, play this game. You are missing out.
StarCraft doesn't do much that hasn't been done before, but it does it so well, what more could you want? I'll allow the game's legacy to speak for itself:
-It remains one of the most popular games online to this day, thirteen years later.
-It has become the standard to which all modern RTS games are compared.
-The phrase "Zerg Rush" (named for one of StarCraft's playable factions) has become an oft-used gaming term.
-StarCraft has been used by the US Air Force to teach new recruits how to plan under stress.
I can't say anything about StarCraft that hasn't already been said many times. But if my words can get more people to play this excellent game, then I will say it: buy StarCraft
Play, save, and enjoy. See you next week.
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