Genre: Action/RPG
Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Square Enix/Buena Vista Games
Release: 28 March 2006
Rating: Everyone 10+
Price: $18
One wouldn't think that a game about Disney characters could be in any way dark. The Kingdom Hearts games prove that not only can it be dark, but epic in scale. The first Kingdom Hearts was a mediocre action-platformer. Its follow-up, Chain of Memories (essentially Kingdom Hearts 1.5), was not very good either, relying on a rather annoying card-based system. Two less-than-stellar games, and it was easy to write Kingdom Hearts off as a failed experiment.
Then came Kingdom Hearts II.
With a renewed emphasis on the action rather than platforming, KH2 gave the series the kick it needed to become actually good. And it was great! All of the Kingdom Hearts games since have been very much worthwhile, though none more-so than II itself.
As for how it plays, you use your ship to travel from world to world, exploring different Disney settings (re-visiting the ones from the first game, and adding several new ones), killing both Heartless, and the new villains, the Nobodies.The controls are solid, though the action can decline into button-mashing at times. However, there is a good amount of tactical variety, as you not only have your main weapon, the Keyblade, but elemental magic, summon spells, combination attacks with your party, and super-forms.
The plot is also well-made. We start off with a new protagonist, with events seemingly unrelated to the previous games. Then plot twists take place and we see where we are in the grand scheme of the overarching plot. One year after the events of the first game, the evil Heartless from the first game are still around, but a new enemy--Organization XIII--has surfaced as well. We return to our original hero, Sora, and take on both of these threats. I will not spoil anything further, but trust me when I say that I fully enjoyed watching the story unfold.
As a whole, if you like action/RPG hybrids, or have enjoyed any of the other games in the series, then give Kingdom Hearts II a shot. $18 well-spent
Play, save, and enjoy. See you next week.
Ah, KH2. I have to give it props for pushing things forward in terms of villains and plot. However, the Roxas section was soul-draining to me.